Choir Students Participate in OAKE Conference

Over spring break, members of the St. Andrew’s Middle and Upper School choirs participated in the Organization of American Kodály Educators National Conference Choir in Jacksonville, Florida. The OAKE National Conference occurs in a different city each year, bringing singers, music educators, and clinicians from all over the United States together over the course of four days and culminating in the performance of singers selected to participate in the National Choirs. The audition-based OAKE National Conference Choirs are each led by a nationally renowned conductor. The Organization of American Kodály Educators has a mission to support music education of the highest quality, promote universal music literacy and lifelong music making. Selected choir members were (from left) Lindsey Ward, Anabelle Abraham, Matthew McCullough, Gavin Griswold, Paxton McLin, Madalynn Johnson, Sarah Allin, Elle Pharr, and Lexie Runnels; (not pictured) Ellie Brown.


Foundations — Grade 12 • Jackson, Mississippi
South Campus | Infants to Grade 4
4120 Old Canton Road, Jackson, Mississippi 39216
North Campus | Grades 5 to 12
370 Old Agency Road, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157